1use strum_macros::{Display, EnumIter, EnumMessage, EnumString, IntoStaticStr};
3use crate::movement::{LinePosition, Movement};
6 Display, EnumString, EnumIter, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, EnumMessage, IntoStaticStr,
8pub enum EditCommand {
9 #[strum(message = "Move Line Up")]
10 #[strum(serialize = "move_line_up")]
11 MoveLineUp,
12 #[strum(message = "Move Line Down")]
13 #[strum(serialize = "move_line_down")]
14 MoveLineDown,
15 #[strum(message = "Insert New Line")]
16 #[strum(serialize = "insert_new_line")]
17 InsertNewLine,
18 #[strum(message = "Insert Tab")]
19 #[strum(serialize = "insert_tab")]
20 InsertTab,
21 #[strum(message = "New Line Above")]
22 #[strum(serialize = "new_line_above")]
23 NewLineAbove,
24 #[strum(message = "New Line Below")]
25 #[strum(serialize = "new_line_below")]
26 NewLineBelow,
27 #[strum(message = "Delete Backward")]
28 #[strum(serialize = "delete_backward")]
29 DeleteBackward,
30 #[strum(message = "Delete Forward")]
31 #[strum(serialize = "delete_forward")]
32 DeleteForward,
33 #[strum(message = "Delete Line")]
34 #[strum(serialize = "delete_line")]
35 DeleteLine,
36 #[strum(message = "Delete Forward and Insert")]
37 #[strum(serialize = "delete_forward_and_insert")]
38 DeleteForwardAndInsert,
39 #[strum(message = "Delete Word and Insert")]
40 #[strum(serialize = "delete_word_and_insert")]
41 DeleteWordAndInsert,
42 #[strum(message = "Delete Line and Insert")]
43 #[strum(serialize = "delete_line_and_insert")]
44 DeleteLineAndInsert,
45 #[strum(message = "Delete Word Forward")]
46 #[strum(serialize = "delete_word_forward")]
47 DeleteWordForward,
48 #[strum(message = "Delete Word Backward")]
49 #[strum(serialize = "delete_word_backward")]
50 DeleteWordBackward,
51 #[strum(message = "Delete to Beginning of Line")]
52 #[strum(serialize = "delete_to_beginning_of_line")]
53 DeleteToBeginningOfLine,
54 #[strum(message = "Delete to End of Line")]
55 #[strum(serialize = "delete_to_end_of_line")]
56 DeleteToEndOfLine,
58 #[strum(message = "Delete to End and Insert")]
59 #[strum(serialize = "delete_to_end_and_insert")]
60 DeleteToEndOfLineAndInsert,
61 #[strum(message = "Join Lines")]
62 #[strum(serialize = "join_lines")]
63 JoinLines,
64 #[strum(message = "Indent Line")]
65 #[strum(serialize = "indent_line")]
66 IndentLine,
67 #[strum(message = "Outdent Line")]
68 #[strum(serialize = "outdent_line")]
69 OutdentLine,
70 #[strum(message = "Toggle Line Comment")]
71 #[strum(serialize = "toggle_line_comment")]
72 ToggleLineComment,
73 #[strum(message = "Undo")]
74 #[strum(serialize = "undo")]
75 Undo,
76 #[strum(message = "Redo")]
77 #[strum(serialize = "redo")]
78 Redo,
79 #[strum(message = "Copy")]
80 #[strum(serialize = "clipboard_copy")]
81 ClipboardCopy,
82 #[strum(message = "Cut")]
83 #[strum(serialize = "clipboard_cut")]
84 ClipboardCut,
85 #[strum(message = "Paste")]
86 #[strum(serialize = "clipboard_paste")]
87 ClipboardPaste,
88 #[strum(message = "Yank")]
89 #[strum(serialize = "yank")]
90 Yank,
91 #[strum(message = "Paste")]
92 #[strum(serialize = "paste")]
93 Paste,
94 #[strum(message = "Paste Before")]
95 #[strum(serialize = "paste_before")]
96 PasteBefore,
98 #[strum(message = "Normal Mode")]
99 #[strum(serialize = "normal_mode")]
100 NormalMode,
101 #[strum(message = "Insert Mode")]
102 #[strum(serialize = "insert_mode")]
103 InsertMode,
104 #[strum(message = "Insert First non Blank")]
105 #[strum(serialize = "insert_first_non_blank")]
106 InsertFirstNonBlank,
107 #[strum(message = "Append")]
108 #[strum(serialize = "append")]
109 Append,
110 #[strum(message = "Append End of Line")]
111 #[strum(serialize = "append_end_of_line")]
112 AppendEndOfLine,
113 #[strum(message = "Toggle Visual Mode")]
114 #[strum(serialize = "toggle_visual_mode")]
115 ToggleVisualMode,
116 #[strum(message = "Toggle Linewise Visual Mode")]
117 #[strum(serialize = "toggle_linewise_visual_mode")]
118 ToggleLinewiseVisualMode,
119 #[strum(message = "Toggle Blockwise Visual Mode")]
120 #[strum(serialize = "toggle_blockwise_visual_mode")]
121 ToggleBlockwiseVisualMode,
122 #[strum(message = "Duplicate Line Up")]
123 #[strum(serialize = "duplicate_line_up")]
124 DuplicateLineUp,
125 #[strum(message = "Duplicate Line Down")]
126 #[strum(serialize = "duplicate_line_down")]
127 DuplicateLineDown,
129 #[strum(message = "Normalize Line Endings")]
130 #[strum(serialize = "normalize_line_endings")]
131 NormalizeLineEndings,
134impl EditCommand {
135 pub fn not_changing_buffer(&self) -> bool {
136 matches!(
137 self,
138 &EditCommand::ClipboardCopy
139 | &EditCommand::Yank
140 | &EditCommand::NormalMode
141 | &EditCommand::InsertMode
142 | &EditCommand::InsertFirstNonBlank
143 | &EditCommand::Append
144 | &EditCommand::AppendEndOfLine
145 | &EditCommand::ToggleVisualMode
146 | &EditCommand::ToggleLinewiseVisualMode
147 | &EditCommand::ToggleBlockwiseVisualMode
148 )
149 }
153 Display, EnumString, EnumIter, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, EnumMessage, IntoStaticStr,
155pub enum MoveCommand {
156 #[strum(message = "Down")]
157 #[strum(serialize = "down")]
158 Down,
159 #[strum(message = "Up")]
160 #[strum(serialize = "up")]
161 Up,
162 #[strum(message = "Left")]
163 #[strum(serialize = "left")]
164 Left,
165 #[strum(message = "Right")]
166 #[strum(serialize = "right")]
167 Right,
168 #[strum(message = "Word Backward")]
169 #[strum(serialize = "word_backward")]
170 WordBackward,
171 #[strum(message = "Word Forward")]
172 #[strum(serialize = "word_forward")]
173 WordForward,
174 #[strum(message = "Word End Forward")]
175 #[strum(serialize = "word_end_forward")]
176 WordEndForward,
177 #[strum(message = "Document Start")]
178 #[strum(serialize = "document_start")]
179 DocumentStart,
180 #[strum(message = "Document End")]
181 #[strum(serialize = "document_end")]
182 DocumentEnd,
183 #[strum(message = "Line End")]
184 #[strum(serialize = "line_end")]
185 LineEnd,
186 #[strum(message = "Line Start")]
187 #[strum(serialize = "line_start")]
188 LineStart,
189 #[strum(message = "Line Start non Blank")]
190 #[strum(serialize = "line_start_non_blank")]
191 LineStartNonBlank,
192 #[strum(message = "Go to Line Default Last")]
193 #[strum(serialize = "go_to_line_default_last")]
194 GotoLineDefaultLast,
195 #[strum(message = "Go to Line Default First")]
196 #[strum(serialize = "go_to_line_default_first")]
197 GotoLineDefaultFirst,
198 #[strum(message = "Match Pairs")]
199 #[strum(serialize = "match_pairs")]
200 MatchPairs,
201 #[strum(message = "Next Unmatched Right Bracket")]
202 #[strum(serialize = "next_unmatched_right_bracket")]
203 NextUnmatchedRightBracket,
204 #[strum(message = "Previous Unmatched Left Bracket")]
205 #[strum(serialize = "previous_unmatched_left_bracket")]
206 PreviousUnmatchedLeftBracket,
207 #[strum(message = "Next Unmatched Right Curly Bracket")]
208 #[strum(serialize = "next_unmatched_right_curly_bracket")]
209 NextUnmatchedRightCurlyBracket,
210 #[strum(message = "Previous Unmatched Left Curly Bracket")]
211 #[strum(serialize = "previous_unmatched_left_curly_bracket")]
212 PreviousUnmatchedLeftCurlyBracket,
213 #[strum(message = "Paragraph Forward")]
214 #[strum(serialize = "paragraph_forward")]
215 ParagraphForward,
216 #[strum(message = "Paragraph Backward")]
217 #[strum(serialize = "paragraph_backward")]
218 ParagraphBackward,
221impl MoveCommand {
222 pub fn to_movement(&self, count: Option<usize>) -> Movement {
223 use MoveCommand::*;
224 match self {
225 Left => Movement::Left,
226 Right => Movement::Right,
227 Up => Movement::Up,
228 Down => Movement::Down,
229 DocumentStart => Movement::DocumentStart,
230 DocumentEnd => Movement::DocumentEnd,
231 LineStart => Movement::StartOfLine,
232 LineStartNonBlank => Movement::FirstNonBlank,
233 LineEnd => Movement::EndOfLine,
234 GotoLineDefaultFirst => match count {
235 Some(n) => Movement::Line(LinePosition::Line(n)),
236 None => Movement::Line(LinePosition::First),
237 },
238 GotoLineDefaultLast => match count {
239 Some(n) => Movement::Line(LinePosition::Line(n)),
240 None => Movement::Line(LinePosition::Last),
241 },
242 WordBackward => Movement::WordBackward,
243 WordForward => Movement::WordForward,
244 WordEndForward => Movement::WordEndForward,
245 MatchPairs => Movement::MatchPairs,
246 NextUnmatchedRightBracket => Movement::NextUnmatched(')'),
247 PreviousUnmatchedLeftBracket => Movement::PreviousUnmatched('('),
248 NextUnmatchedRightCurlyBracket => Movement::NextUnmatched('}'),
249 PreviousUnmatchedLeftCurlyBracket => Movement::PreviousUnmatched('{'),
250 ParagraphForward => Movement::ParagraphForward,
251 ParagraphBackward => Movement::ParagraphBackward,
252 }
253 }
257 Display, EnumString, EnumIter, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, EnumMessage, IntoStaticStr,
259pub enum ScrollCommand {
260 #[strum(message = "Page Up")]
261 #[strum(serialize = "page_up")]
262 PageUp,
263 #[strum(message = "Page Down")]
264 #[strum(serialize = "page_down")]
265 PageDown,
266 #[strum(message = "Scroll Up")]
267 #[strum(serialize = "scroll_up")]
268 ScrollUp,
269 #[strum(message = "Scroll Down")]
270 #[strum(serialize = "scroll_down")]
271 ScrollDown,
272 #[strum(message = "Center of Window")]
273 #[strum(serialize = "center_of_window")]
274 CenterOfWindow,
275 #[strum(message = "Top of Window")]
276 #[strum(serialize = "top_of_window")]
277 TopOfWindow,
278 #[strum(message = "Bottom of Window")]
279 #[strum(serialize = "bottom_of_window")]
280 BottomOfWindow,
284 Display, EnumString, EnumIter, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, EnumMessage, IntoStaticStr,
286pub enum FocusCommand {
287 #[strum(message = "Split Vertical")]
288 #[strum(serialize = "split_vertical")]
289 SplitVertical,
290 #[strum(message = "Split Horizontal")]
291 #[strum(serialize = "split_horizontal")]
292 SplitHorizontal,
293 #[strum(message = "Split Exchange")]
294 #[strum(serialize = "split_exchange")]
295 SplitExchange,
296 #[strum(message = "Split Close")]
297 #[strum(serialize = "split_close")]
298 SplitClose,
299 #[strum(message = "Split Right")]
300 #[strum(serialize = "split_right")]
301 SplitRight,
302 #[strum(message = "Split Left")]
303 #[strum(serialize = "split_left")]
304 SplitLeft,
305 #[strum(message = "Split Up")]
306 #[strum(serialize = "split_up")]
307 SplitUp,
308 #[strum(message = "Split Down")]
309 #[strum(serialize = "split_down")]
310 SplitDown,
311 #[strum(message = "Search Whole Word Forward")]
312 #[strum(serialize = "search_whole_word_forward")]
313 SearchWholeWordForward,
314 #[strum(message = "Search Forward")]
315 #[strum(serialize = "search_forward")]
316 SearchForward,
317 #[strum(message = "Search Backward")]
318 #[strum(serialize = "search_backward")]
319 SearchBackward,
320 #[strum(message = "Toggle Case Sensitive Search")]
321 #[strum(serialize = "toggle_case_sensitive_search")]
322 ToggleCaseSensitive,
323 #[strum(message = "Global Search Refresh")]
324 #[strum(serialize = "global_search_refresh")]
325 GlobalSearchRefresh,
326 #[strum(message = "Clear Search")]
327 #[strum(serialize = "clear_search")]
328 ClearSearch,
329 #[strum(message = "Search In View")]
330 #[strum(serialize = "search_in_view")]
331 SearchInView,
332 #[strum(message = "List Select")]
333 #[strum(serialize = "list.select")]
334 ListSelect,
335 #[strum(message = "List Next")]
336 #[strum(serialize = "list.next")]
337 ListNext,
338 #[strum(message = "List Next Page")]
339 #[strum(serialize = "list.next_page")]
340 ListNextPage,
341 #[strum(message = "List Previous")]
342 #[strum(serialize = "list.previous")]
343 ListPrevious,
344 #[strum(message = "List Previous Page")]
345 #[strum(serialize = "list.previous_page")]
346 ListPreviousPage,
347 #[strum(message = "List Expand")]
348 #[strum(serialize = "list.expand")]
349 ListExpand,
350 #[strum(message = "Jump to Next Snippet Placeholder")]
351 #[strum(serialize = "jump_to_next_snippet_placeholder")]
352 JumpToNextSnippetPlaceholder,
353 #[strum(message = "Jump to Previous Snippet Placeholder")]
354 #[strum(serialize = "jump_to_prev_snippet_placeholder")]
355 JumpToPrevSnippetPlaceholder,
356 #[strum(message = "Show Code Actions")]
357 #[strum(serialize = "show_code_actions")]
358 ShowCodeActions,
359 #[strum(message = "Get Completion")]
360 #[strum(serialize = "get_completion")]
361 GetCompletion,
362 #[strum(message = "Get Signature")]
363 #[strum(serialize = "get_signature")]
364 GetSignature,
365 #[strum(message = "Toggle Breakpoint")]
366 #[strum(serialize = "toggle_breakpoint")]
367 ToggleBreakpoint,
368 #[strum(message = "Close Modal")]
370 #[strum(serialize = "modal.close")]
371 ModalClose,
372 #[strum(message = "Go to Definition")]
373 #[strum(serialize = "goto_definition")]
374 GotoDefinition,
375 #[strum(message = "Go to Type Definition")]
376 #[strum(serialize = "goto_type_definition")]
377 GotoTypeDefinition,
378 #[strum(message = "Show Hover")]
379 #[strum(serialize = "show_hover")]
380 ShowHover,
381 #[strum(message = "Go to Next Difference")]
382 #[strum(serialize = "next_diff")]
383 NextDiff,
384 #[strum(message = "Go to Previous Difference")]
385 #[strum(serialize = "previous_diff")]
386 PreviousDiff,
387 #[strum(message = "Toggle Code Lens")]
388 #[strum(serialize = "toggle_code_lens")]
389 ToggleCodeLens,
390 #[strum(message = "Toggle History")]
391 #[strum(serialize = "toggle_history")]
392 ToggleHistory,
393 #[strum(message = "Format Document")]
394 #[strum(serialize = "format_document")]
395 FormatDocument,
396 #[strum(message = "Search")]
397 #[strum(serialize = "search")]
398 Search,
399 #[strum(message = "Focus Replace Editor")]
400 #[strum(serialize = "focus_replace_editor")]
401 FocusReplaceEditor,
402 #[strum(message = "Focus Find Editor")]
403 #[strum(serialize = "focus_find_editor")]
404 FocusFindEditor,
405 #[strum(message = "Inline Find Right")]
406 #[strum(serialize = "inline_find_right")]
407 InlineFindRight,
408 #[strum(message = "Inline Find Left")]
409 #[strum(serialize = "inline_find_left")]
410 InlineFindLeft,
411 #[strum(message = "On Screen Find")]
412 #[strum(serialize = "on_screen_find")]
413 OnScreenFind,
414 #[strum(message = "Create Mark")]
415 #[strum(serialize = "create_mark")]
416 CreateMark,
417 #[strum(message = "Go to Mark")]
418 #[strum(serialize = "go_to_mark")]
419 GoToMark,
420 #[strum(message = "Repeat Last Inline Find")]
421 #[strum(serialize = "repeat_last_inline_find")]
422 RepeatLastInlineFind,
423 #[strum(message = "Save")]
424 #[strum(serialize = "save")]
425 Save,
426 #[strum(message = "Save Without Formatting")]
427 #[strum(serialize = "save_without_format")]
428 SaveWithoutFormatting,
429 #[strum(message = "Save And Exit")]
430 #[strum(serialize = "save_and_exit")]
431 SaveAndExit,
432 #[strum(message = "Force Exit")]
433 #[strum(serialize = "force_exit")]
434 ForceExit,
435 #[strum(message = "Rename Symbol")]
436 #[strum(serialize = "rename_symbol")]
437 Rename,
438 #[strum(message = "Confirm Rename")]
439 #[strum(serialize = "confirm_rename")]
440 ConfirmRename,
441 #[strum(message = "Select Next Syntax Item")]
442 #[strum(serialize = "select_next_syntax_item")]
443 SelectNextSyntaxItem,
444 #[strum(message = "Select Previous Syntax Item")]
445 #[strum(serialize = "select_previous_syntax_item")]
446 SelectPreviousSyntaxItem,
447 #[strum(message = "Open Source File")]
448 #[strum(serialize = "open_source_file")]
449 OpenSourceFile,
450 #[strum(message = "Inline Completion Select")]
451 #[strum(serialize = "inline_completion.select")]
452 InlineCompletionSelect,
453 #[strum(message = "Inline Completion Next")]
454 #[strum(serialize = "inline_completion.next")]
455 InlineCompletionNext,
456 #[strum(message = "Inline Completion Previous")]
457 #[strum(serialize = "inline_completion.previous")]
458 InlineCompletionPrevious,
459 #[strum(message = "Inline Completion Cancel")]
460 #[strum(serialize = "inline_completion.cancel")]
461 InlineCompletionCancel,
462 #[strum(message = "Inline Completion Invoke")]
463 #[strum(serialize = "inline_completion.invoke")]
464 InlineCompletionInvoke,
468 Display, EnumString, EnumIter, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, EnumMessage, IntoStaticStr,
470pub enum MotionModeCommand {
471 #[strum(message = "Motion Mode Delete")]
472 #[strum(serialize = "motion_mode_delete")]
473 MotionModeDelete,
474 #[strum(message = "Motion Mode Indent")]
475 #[strum(serialize = "motion_mode_indent")]
476 MotionModeIndent,
477 #[strum(message = "Motion Mode Outdent")]
478 #[strum(serialize = "motion_mode_outdent")]
479 MotionModeOutdent,
480 #[strum(message = "Motion Mode Yank")]
481 #[strum(serialize = "motion_mode_yank")]
482 MotionModeYank,
486 Display, EnumString, EnumIter, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, EnumMessage, IntoStaticStr,
488pub enum MultiSelectionCommand {
489 #[strum(message = "Select Undo")]
490 #[strum(serialize = "select_undo")]
491 SelectUndo,
492 #[strum(message = "Insert Cursor Above")]
493 #[strum(serialize = "insert_cursor_above")]
494 InsertCursorAbove,
495 #[strum(message = "Insert Cursor Below")]
496 #[strum(serialize = "insert_cursor_below")]
497 InsertCursorBelow,
498 #[strum(message = "Insert Cursor End of Line")]
499 #[strum(serialize = "insert_cursor_end_of_line")]
500 InsertCursorEndOfLine,
501 #[strum(message = "Select Current Line")]
502 #[strum(serialize = "select_current_line")]
503 SelectCurrentLine,
504 #[strum(message = "Select All Current")]
505 #[strum(serialize = "select_all_current")]
506 SelectAllCurrent,
507 #[strum(message = "Select Next Current")]
508 #[strum(serialize = "select_next_current")]
509 SelectNextCurrent,
510 #[strum(message = "Select Skip Current")]
511 #[strum(serialize = "select_skip_current")]
512 SelectSkipCurrent,
513 #[strum(message = "Select All")]
514 #[strum(serialize = "select_all")]
515 SelectAll,